At HCOS, we don't always test to see just how gifted a child is, and rely a lot on anecdotal evidence from parents and teachers. (We are freed from having to test because we don't have funding attached to testing. That's a positive spin on the fact that at present we don't get direct funding for our gifted students).
I was heartened, therefore, when I recently read the following, by the esteemed Linda Silverman,
via the Gifted Development Centre, who does a lot of testing and research. Linda points out the following:
- Reasons well (good thinker)
- Learns rapidly
- Has extensive vocabulary
- Has an excellent memory
- Has a long attention span (if interested)
- Sensitive (feelings hurt easily)
- Shows compassion
- Perfectionistic
- Intense
- Morally sensitive
- Has strong curiosity
- Perseverant in their interests
- Has high degree of energy
- Prefers older companions or adults
- Has a wide range of interests
- Has a great sense of humor
- Early or avid reader (if too young to read, loves being read to)
- Concerned with justice, fairness
- Judgment mature for age at times
- Is a keen observer
- Has a vivid imagination
- Is highly creative
- Tends to question authority
- Has facility with numbers
- Good at jigsaw puzzles
So there you go. It helps to answer the "Is my child gifted?" question. Now I can reply with authority..."Well, you tell me!"
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