On the Beach

On the Beach

Sunday, December 23, 2012

"You Should. . .. "

Do you ever find yourself having to protect your gifted child from the every growing list of expectations that people place on them?

I wonder how many times they hear "that's incredible! You should. . . . "

Their potential is breath taking but they are often fragile souls who can easily become overwhelmed by their own expectations, never mind the perceived expectations of others.  Often these expectations, combined with their own perfectionism, results in them not being able to do anything.

Perhaps the next 'you should' could be restated as 'you could'.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

What do you think of this quote (taken from Alberta's education site www.education.aberta.ca) ?

"Intensity, combined with advanced cognitive abilities created inner experiences and awareness different from the norm, leaving students who are gifted and talented often vulnerable."